-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gray Ghosts: Blogging Blahs

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Blogging Blahs

Sorry I have been busy and shit. Couple of projects I am working on. God that sounds pretty friggin' important...anywayz, I'll be back.

'What will your obituary say?' at QuizGalaxy.com


Blogger Some Random Girl said...

that wasn't nice. it truly freaked me out because a friend of my mom's died in her hot tub and she was my age. she was majorly depressed because she got into a car wreck and 3 little kids died. i think she wanted to die but still...

8:24 AM  
Blogger Nihilistic said...

You don't bring me flowers...any........mooooooooooooorrrrrrreeeeee.....

1:19 PM  
Blogger DogMa said...

Sorry SRG, I figured it looked fake, like it came from a stupid quiz site er something. It is true I am depressed but suicide doesn't cross my mind. It would hurt my loved ones way too much. I think about it why it comes to assisted suicide. You know, incase/when I decline I don't get my transplant. I don't want to suffocate to death. That seems horrible to me. It is a serious option though and I am thankful I have the right and the option to use it if need be here is Oregon.

Sorry my sweet prince Nihilly, I have this HUGE baby shower to plan for Hoo Ha and I am recording like 20 childrens records from vinyl to MP3 and then to disc. It is tedious! Halloween is also a big time round here, lots to do. So I just got alot to do round here for a bit. I ain't going nowheres though!

9:09 PM  

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