-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gray Ghosts: I said GOOD DAY SIR!

Monday, April 03, 2006


Went to see my good Dr. today...
He is my buddie, I love him.

Before I met with him I had to take a F'd breathing test. I only failed it 6 times or so. No biggie. I am so tired and beat from it. You wouldn't think it, but I am! It feels like a ran a marathon in moon boots. I am going to hit the hay after this post. Anywho, FINALY I finished the tests and went to wait for the man.

He came in and I told him about all my new issues. The shingles, the depression, the dreaded weight thing...then he said, "Well how do you feel?" I said "Pretty good relativly speaking." and he says "Cause your breathing tests have improved quit a bit!"


Kick ass! My scores are up! I can take in and disperse more air then I have in...well a looong time. This means the shots I'm taking are working or the new amino acid/anti-oxident that did so well in Euoropean studies is kicking in. Who knows. I am just thankful that I have not deteriorated! I gained back all the weight I lost, and I'd be even better had I kept it off and lost more...but shit, this is good news.

I still have to face the music up in Seattle next week with the transplant Dr. who is vicious. He is gonna rip me a new one. I deserve it though. I lost 20lbs. and gained it back in the last 6 months. Bad bad move. Stupid. They don't give trany's to fatties. Well, not FAT but fatter than I should be! Today however I turn over another leaf. I have been given a gift. This news today was unexpected, infact i expected the opposite. I am going to loose the weight I need to and keep myself healthy. Each day is a gift and I have been wasting them I think. I need to do what I can. All I can. Right now, that means GO TO BED. I got a HRCT (hi-res cat scan) tomorrow bright and early! Today was a good day.(Cousin Matt will know what that means!)


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